Monday, February 13, 2012

Untitled #27

This week I have been working on Non so piu cosa son, O del mio dolce, Widmung, and Reward.  Mostly I have been working on perfecting my memorization of Widmung.  It frustrates me to know that I don't have it perfectly memorized when I've been working on it since school started.  I have been trying your suggestions.  You really hit the nail on the head when you said I've been taking my music away too soon.  I guess my thoughts were that I'd need to just toughen up, get smart and memorize it (like weening myself off my bottle...the bottle being my music) or suffer the consequences.  Definitely not the right sort of mentality or technique because obviously it didn't work.  I've been trying your suggestions.  I will sing it with my music in front of me.  Also I've been working on singing in a mirror.  When I went to ACDA last week I witnessed many talented singers perform and all of them had the biggest mouths.  I want to have the same.  It would help resolve the struggle between me and my voice.  I just cleaned my room and got rid of some stuff.  I found I had more wall space, so I put up a mirror to practice in.  O del mio dolce has definitely been a lot of working with technical things.  There are more trills and things in that song than any other song I've ever sang.  I've been doing more conducting myself through that one and non so piu cosa son.  There are so many rhythmic and technical things to work on.  As for Reward, I've basically just been trying to familiarize myself with the song.  I've been working a lot on listening to it and playing out the parts on the piano.  That song has some rhythms I've never encountered in a solo before.  Those will be probably the biggest challenge, but I'm not worried about them at all.  I just need to be ready for them and make sure to anticipate them when they come along.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Untitled #26

This week has been a great! I feel a hundred times better and I'm back!!!! I've actually been able to really sing my music and focus on my technique.  I started my practices this week by working on my open vowels.  My difficult spot is keeping my jaw dropped and my mouth wide open.  So that was the focus of this weeks work.  As I went up my scales I tried to keep an eye on my mirror and make sure I was opening my mouth as wide as I could.  The vowels I worked on were AH and OH because they are particularly difficult for me in my higher register.  I try so hard to control the sound because its almost loose and crazy feeling.  I tried really hard not to control and to just let it go and see what happened.  Sometimes very successful...sometimes not.  I feel like if I were to keep practicing like this I could really make a break through.  I like to think about the movie "The Coneheads".  There is a part in the movie where Connie Conehead eats a huge foot long sub sandwich in one bite...I like to pretend I'm trying to eat a huge foot long sandwich in one usually makes me open up quite a bit more.  As far as the songs I've been working on, they're coming along quite nicely.  I've got Widmung memorized.  I want to save O Del Mio Dolce Ardor for the Studio Recital because I just have something special with this song.  I feel a connection to it and I want to save it for that special night.  This week I've also been listening to and working on Aus meinen grossen Schmerzen.  It very easily could be the second song memorized before spring break.  I'm not going to stop just there though.  I plan to at least have three songs memorized before then.  They should consist of all those I've mentioned working on recently.  If my plans go accordingly or better than anticipated, then my next plan of action is to work like heck on Non So Piu Cosa Son.  All in all, it's been a fantastic week and I plan to have more of them.