Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Untitled #38

Well Fall Break definitely wasn't a break for me.  I didn't even get to see my family or any of my friends...what a joke. But! I did get to practice Animal Crackers on numerous occasions.  Its funny because I even found myself singing it at work and substituting in words more appropriate to what I wanted to eat at the moment.  Needless to say Ive bee having fun with this song, but honestly...uhg! Ive been having the hardest time getting into Waldesgespracht.  I dont even know why because I love that song and I love the melody but I have absolutely been dragging my feet about looking at the words.  Its probably because I am lazy. I hate this.

Untitled #37

Recently Ive been working on Waldesgespracht and Animal Crackers (my newest addition).  Ive sang Animal Crackers before but this is more a matter of remembering everything correctly.  My main concern was all the runs and accidentals that happen in that song.  I am not so concerned about the words.  It is likely that I might mix a couple around here n there or that I might forget what comes next, but these problems are all easily fixed with some review.