So hab ich doch die ganze Woche
Though I haven't seen for the whole week long
Mein feines Liebchen nicht gesehn,
seen my pretty sweetheart,
Ich sah es an einem Sonntag.
I saw her on a Sunday.
Wohl vor der Ture stehn:
standing at the door.
Das tausendschone Jungfraulein,
The thousandfold beautiful maiden,
Das tausendschone Herzelein,
the thousandfold beautiful darling-
Wollte Gott, ich war heute bei ihr!
would to God I were with her today!
So will mir doch die ganze Woche
So, for the whole week long,
Das Lachen nicht vergehn,
my joy will not cease;
Ich sah es an einem Sonntag
I saw her on a Sunday
Wohl in die Kirche gehn:
going into the church.
Das tausendschone Jungfraulein
The thousandfold beautiful maiden,
Das tausendschone Herzelein,
the thousandfold beautiful darling-
Wollte Gott, ich war bei ihr!
would to God I were with her today!
Character Study
I. Before
1. The events that have occurred prior to this song that have led me to this point is that I have just seen my sweetheart at church and I am happy to see her because I miss her.
2. My thoughts and feelings just before the song begins are happiness and I can't wait to see her again.
II. During
1. I am a young German man from the 1840's.
2. I am a young German man probably somewhere in my teens. I am probably a country/farm boy in the lower middle class. I probably have the equivalency of an eight grade education. It was in 1840 that Froble introduced the first Kindergarten. Education had progressed quite a bit.
3. The other person involved is my girlfriend or sweetheart.
4. She is sweet and beautiful and young.
5. I am probably just leaving the church I was at.
6. I am singing to my self.
7. No.
8. I am singing this because I miss my sweetheart and I am glad that I saw her at church that Sunday.
9. My thoughts and feeling throughout this song are happiness, joy, and love.
III. After
1. My thoughts and feelings as the song ends are that I can't wait to see my sweetheart again.
2. The events that will occur as a result of this song are that I will see my girlfriend by the end of the week or next Sunday.
Great, Chelsey!