Character Study:
1.The events that have occurred prior to this song that have led me to this point is that I have gone into the dark forest on a hunt.
2. My thoughts and feelings before the song begins are eagerness and confidence.
II. During
1. I am a wandering huntsman.
2. I am young and handsome, smart, confident, and valiant.
3. The other character involved is the witch Lorelei.
4. Lorelei is a temptress sorceress who calls sailors and ships to their death on the rocks. She is very beautiful and seems to be sweet.
5. I am in the dark forest.
6. I am speaking to Lorelei.
7. Yes, we have seen each other in the woods.
8. Right now I think that Lorelei is just a harmless beautiful maiden and I am telling her that it is getting dark and cold and that I will take her home.
9. My thoughts throughout this song are that I am going to be a lucky guy and get to take this beautiful maiden home with me.
10. N/A
III. After
1. My thoughts and feelings as the song ends are dread and fear because I have just realized this beautiful young lady is the treacherous witch Lorelei and that I have been cursed.
2. The events that will occur as a result of this song is that I will most likely die or become her slave.
Lyrics and Translations:
Es ist schon spät, es ist schon kalt,
It is already late, it is already cold;
Was reit'st du einsam durch den Wald
why do you ride alone through the forest?
Der Wald is lang, du bist allein,
The forest is vast, you are alone;
Du schöne Braut! ich führ' dich heim!
you beautiful bride! I will see you home.
Gross ist der Männer Trug und list,
Great are men's deceit ad cunning;
Vor schmerz mein Herz gebrochen ist,
my heart is broken with sorrow
Wohl irrt das Waldhorn her und hin
the straying horn sounds here and there
O flieh'! du weisst nicht, wer ich bin.
O flee! You know not who I am.
So reich geschmückt ist ross unt weib
So richly adorned and both horse and lady
So wunderschön der junge Leib;
so wondrously beautiful is your young body
Jetzt kenn' ich dich--Gott steh' mir bei!--
now I know you--God be with me!--
Du bist die Hexe Lorelei!
you are the Sorceress Lorelei!
Du kennst mich wohl--von hohem stein
You know me well--from a high cliff
Schaut still mein schloss tief in den Rhein
my castle silently gazes deep into the Rhein
Es ist schon spät, es ist schon kalt
It is already late, it is already cold
Kommst nimmermehr aus diesem Wald
never again shall you leave this forest.
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