Lyrics and Translation:
Nun die schatten dunkein, stern an stern erwacht.
Now the shadows darken, stars on stars awake.
Welch ein hauch der sehnsucht flutet durch die nacht.
What a breath of longing floods through the night.
Durch das meer der traume steuert ohne ruh',
Through the sea of dreams steering without rest,
Steuert meine seele deiner seele zu.
steering my soul towards your soul.
Die sich dir ergeben, Nimm sie ganz dahin!
It shows itself to you, capturing you whole completely!
Ach, du wieβt, dass nimmer ich mein eigen bin, Mein eigen bin.
Ah, you know that never I am my own, am my own.
Character Study:
I. Before
1.) The events that have occurred prior to this song that have led me to this point are that I have just heard a very beautiful and inspiring piece of music.
2.) My thoughts and feelings just before the song begins are wonder, joy, and love for music.
II. During
1.) I am a musician.
2.) The lyrics do not specify my age, sex, economic or social status. It does however, reveal that I feel very passionate about music. It is a part of me because it moves my soul.
3.) No other characters are involved.
4.) N/A
5.) I am sitting outside looking at the night sky.
6.) I am singing to myself.
7.) N/A
8.) I am praising music for its beauty and power. It gives meaning to my life.
9.) My thoughts and feelings throughout this song are that I would not be me without music in my life. In fact, music is so powerful that it has its own soul and it moves me and captures my soul. It is in my dreams, and it lives in me. Music is everywhere.
10.) N/A
III. After
1.) My thoughts and feelings as the song ends is joy and wonder and appreciation for musical talent and art.
2.) The events that will occur as a result of this song is that I will have a stronger and passionate relationship with music and art.
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