Lyrics and Translation:
Liebst du um schonheit, O nicht mich liebe!
If you love for beauty, then do not love me!
Liebe die sonne, sie tragt ein gold'nes haar!
Love the sun, with it's golden hair!
Liebst du um jungend, O nicht mich leibe!
If you love for youth, then do not love me!
Liebe den Fruhling, der jung ist jedes Jahr!
Love the Spring, which is young every year!
Liebst du um schatze, O nicht mich liebe!
If you love for treasure, then do not love me!
Liebe die Meerfrau, sie hat viel Perlen klar!
Love the Mermaid, who has many shining pearls!
Liebst du um liebe, O ja mich liebe!
If you love for love, Oh then love me!
Liebe mich immer, dich lieb' ich immerdar!
Love me always, as I will always love you!
Character Study:
I. Before
1.) The event that has occurred prior to this song that has led me to this point is that someone I have been dating has told me that they love me.
2.) My thoughts and feelings just before the song begins are uncertainty and skepticism that this person who has just proclaimed their love for me, doesn't love me as much as I love them. I wonder if they only love me for my assets.
II. During
1.) I am a young lover.
2.) I could be a man or a woman because the lyrics do not specify my gender. Because of my vocabulary use and my thought patterns, I am most likely from a middle-class family. I am not so concerned with money, beauty, or youth. I care more about loving and being loved for who I am no matter what.
3.) My lover is the other character involved.
4.) N/A
5.) I am in a quiet place such as a garden or a courtyard alone with my lover.
6.) I am singing to my lover.
7.) Yes, my lover is present with me now.
8.) My present concern is that my lover does not love me for me. I want to know that they love me for who I am, not for my money, beauty, of youth.
9.) My thoughts and feelings throughout this song are first skepticism and then pleading. If my lover love's only for beauty, youth, or treasure, then they do not truly love me. However, if they can love me for me and the love I have to offer, then they must truly love me. I sincerely hope that they love me for me.
10.) N/A
III. After
1.) My thoughts and feelings as the song ends are hope that they do love me for me and want my love in return.
2.) The events that will occur as a result of this song are that my lover will either tell me that they do love me for me or that they do indeed love me for all the wrong reasons.
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