Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Untitled #31

This week I have been working mostly on Non So Piu.  My main concern is the elisions... I think that's what they're called.  All those words jumbled together just get me all sorts of confused.  I'm not very fast when it comes to regular speaking anyhow.  Never was good at them tongue twisters... My plan of action however is to slow it down considerably and speak the words in rhythm like we do in lessons.  Then as I get better, I will bring up the tempo more and more and more until it's where it is supposed to be.  I don't think memory will be much of an issue because so much of the words are the same and the notes aren't an issue either.  I feel like I have a pretty solid grasp on the melody.  I am excited to have it all perfected because I want to become Cherubino! As I listen to my recording, I can almost picture the character and what kind of movements "he" is making and what his expressions are.  I want to do that too! In my mind, it is exciting and something I want to become successful at.  I feel like I have the guns for it...I just need to fill up on my ammo so I can really put on a show.  After today's recital I felt like the more confident I feel about the song, and the stronger I become about putting aside my own insecurities, the better I do on stage.  My insecurities are petty and it is immature to bring them on stage.  What really kick started this was Phils quote about bowing after a performance.  An audience applauds in appreciation of your performance.  It's their way of saying thank you.  My bowing is thanking them for being so polite and my way of showing appreciation for them.  I never want my audience (or anyone) to think of me as disrespectful.  I want to have a good professional stage presence.  There are a few things I'll have to work on, but I see victory in plain sight.  Meanwhile, I am also preparing O del mio dolce for the studio recital and Aus Meinen Grossen Schmertzen for next week.  Thank you for everything!

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