Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Untitled #2

So, the last couple days I didn't blog because I had my scheduled lesson with Dr. H on Monday and Mr. P on Tuesday.  I did some work outside of those scheduled practices but it really wasn't worth documenting.  I didn't warm up, I just read the lyrics and thought about what they meant.  I also spent a considerable amount of time looking for an MP3 of  "That's Life"  that wasn't done by Micheal Buble or Frank Sinatra.  Today however, I did spend an acceptable amount of time with the music.  I started my practice session with lip buzzes up and down the scale and warmed up with some EE-AAH kind of exercises.  I was mainly working on my "mush mouth" feeling.  Try to practice relaxing my mouth and using less of my jaw.  After I warmed up, I sang through my Ici-Bas by memory a couple times.  This went pretty well, but i need to review my expression markings.  I noticed that I kinda forgot what the music had and that I was just putting in what I thought fit well enough.  I also worked on "Lullaby" from The Consul.  That's going really well right now.  So far, I am just working on learning the melody.  There are a few sections that are particularly difficult like mm. 24-32.  The accidentals have been throwing me off as well as the fact that some of the notes do not fit the chords the piano gives me.  The last piece I worked on was my Ave Maria.  But I just sang through it once to keep the melody fresh in my mind.

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